Wednesday, December 10, 2014

So I've been reading GETTING INTO CHARACTER, Seven Secrets A Novelist Can Learn From Actors.

Today is time for SECRET #2:Action Objectives.

  • Story occurs when a character meets opposition along the course of pursuing his desire and then struggles to overcome it.

  • Just when things can't possibly get worse for your main character, they should!

  • Each scene in your story should have an action objective: something the main character hopes to accomplish. Conflicts occur in each scene to make obtaining that desire difficult.

  • Each scene should be a logical progression toward your main character's desire. (not a shell you fill with backstory!)

Sure, we've all heard much of this before, but it's interesting to me that actors pursue story and scene in much the same way as writers.

Thanks for reading! If you comment on this post (or hint, hint) follow my blog, you'll be entered in a giveaway for a $10 Barnes and Noble gift card. Winners announced next week!


  1. Thanks for sharing these tips, Stefanie! :)

    1. Hope they are helpful, Shari!
      The book is great!

  2. Laurie Litwin ( 11, 2014 at 6:41 AM

    This is something that's hard because I tend to fly by the seat of my pants when I write :) So I have to go back and do lots of "fixing" to insert the conflict and ensure progression.

  3. Laurie,
    I'm a plotter and it's still hard! Thanks for reading my blog! :)

  4. Great post, Stefanie! It's easy to forget that each scene should work hard, either by conflict or revealing character. Thanks for the reminder and chance at a gift card. Xx

  5. Thanks for reading, Kristin! Appreciate the support! :)

  6. Ooh, fun post Stef! It's interesting to parallel acting and writing. It often comes back to effective, flushed out conflict, doesn't it? I need to read this book! :)

  7. Love this connection! I have a special love for point #2 -- sometimes too much love, in fact. :)

    1. Gail, you do all of this SO WELL! Can't wait to read your book--in one month!
