Tuesday, February 10, 2015

THE TRUTH ABOUT TWINKIE PIE, by Kat Yeh, is voice-driven, heartwarming MG that I could not put down! In the spirit of the book's delicious (and hilarious) recipes, here's my Twinkie Pie Recipe For Success:

A Twinkie Pie Recipe For Success

1.      Start with 2 sisters making it on their own. (Galileo Galilei and Delta Dawn; GiGi and DiDi to those in the know)


2.    Add in a million dollars in prize money and a move from a trailer park in South Carolina to the Gold Coast of New York.


3.    Stir GiGi (Double G) into a new, fancy prep school, mix her in with a bunch of rich kids and a beautiful boy named Trip. (You’d go by Trip if your real name was Something, Something Hedgeclipper the Fourteenth)


4.    Fold in some interesting plot points: a Maybe No Longer Dead Mama, a quest to find Revlon’s Cherries in the Snow lipstick, two fake sleepovers, one not-so-perfect kiss, and a hidden birth certificate.


5.     Toss in a healthy dose of Wish Pie, No Peek Chicken, Madder’n Heck Smashed Potatoes and one True Summer Tomato.


6.    Just to make things interesting, beat in one slice of Heartbreak on Toast. Blend in a wallop of truth, which believe me, isn’t always pretty.


7.     Let everything simmer. If it seems like you have a Basket of Mystery Ingredients, well, move them around a bit. Keep some things and change others. 


8.    No matter what you move around, keep GiGi and DiDi together. This is important. Because together (with some golden cake, whipped cream and cherries) they can face anything.

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